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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAudioCreates a Audio object to handle the SDL_Mixer
 CBoidCreates an Boid object Creates an Boid object that is to be used for each Boid
 CGameCreates an Game object that inherits State Creates an Game object that inherits State and runs the Game. DISCLAMER: Created using Pseudo code from https://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/~dwcorne/Teaching/Boids%20Pseudocode.htm
 CHelpCreates an Help object that inherits State Creates an Help object that inherits State and runs the Help
 CStateCreates a State object. Creates a State object to be inherited
 CStateManagerCreates a StateManager object. Creates a StateManager object to be inherited
 CTextCreates a Text Texture for use with a renderer Creates a Text Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer
 CTextureCreates a Texture for use with a renderer Creates a Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer
 CVec2Creates an Vec2 structure with functions Creates an Vec2 structure with overloaded operators to create a new variable type for use as a 2D vector