Python RenderMan API Lego Figure File Reference

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def assignment.Cube (width=1.0, height=1.0, depth=1.0)
 Cube definition from by Jon Macey ( More...
def assignment.checkAndCompileShader (shader)
 Load OSL shader definition is from by Jon Macey ( More...
def assignment.convertColourValue (colourValue)
 A funciton to convert a value of 0-255 to a value of 0-1. More...
def assignment.legsShader (legsColour, dirtValue, damage)
 A function for the definiton of the shader to use on the legs. More...
def assignment.headShader (headColour, dirtValue)
 A function for the definiton of the shader to use on the head. More...
def assignment.chestShader (chestType, chestBaseColour, chestDetailColour, dirtValue, damage)
 A function for the definiton of the shader to use on the chest. More...
def assignment.tableShader ()
 A function for the definiton of the shader to use on the table. More...
def assignment.head (xScale, yScale, zScale)
 A function for the definiton of the main head geometry (points generated in external modeling program). More...
def assignment.chest (xScale, yScale, zScale)
 A function for the definiton of the chest gemoetry (points generated in external modeling program). More...
def assignment.loadColourCmd (cmdNum, cmdNumType, defaultColour)
 A function for loading in a colour from the command line. More...
def assignment.drawScene (ri, chestType, chestBaseColour, chestDetailColour, headColour, legsColour, dirtValue, damage)
 A function for the definiton of the scene to generate. More...


bool assignment.altAngle = False
 The main function. More...
string assignment.outputType = "it"
 The type of output to use, default is it. More...
string assignment.chestType = "blank"
 Initalise the default values for the figure generation. More...
list assignment.chestBaseColour = [0.02,0.02,0.4]
 Check for chest base colour command. More...
list assignment.chestDetailColour = [1,1,1]
 Check for chest detail colour command. More...
list assignment.headColour = [convertColourValue(220),convertColourValue(150),convertColourValue(10)]
 Check for head colour command. More...
list assignment.legsColour = [0.6,0,0]
 Check for legs colour command. More...
float assignment.dirtValue = 0.3
bool assignment.customFileName = False
 Check for alt angle command. More...
int assignment.damage = 3
 assignment.loadedNum = float(sys.argv[i+1])
 Check for dirt value command. More...
 assignment.outputFilename = sys.argv[i+1]
 Set the filename based on angle. More...
 assignment.ri = prman.Ri()
string assignment.filename = outputFilename + ".rib"