Jamie Slowgrove - AI Assignment 1
Line of Sight & A* path-finding
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CAStarCreates an object for A* path finding Made using help from http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm
 CAudioCreates an Audio object to handle the SDL_Mixer. DISCLAIMER - This code is from my PGG SDL Assignment
 CEntityCreates an Entity object that contains the details for the Entity
 CCreatureCreates a Creature object that inherits Entity. Creates a Creature object that inherits Entity and contains the details for the Creature
 CBotAICreates a BotAI object that inherits Creature. Creates a BotAI object that inherits Creature and contains the details for the BotAI
 CBotACreates a BotA object that inherits BotAI. Creates a BotA object that inherits BotAI and contains the details for the BotA
 CBotBCreates a BotB object that inherits BotAI. Creates a BotB object that inherits BotAI and contains the details for the BotA
 CPlayerCreates a Player object that inherits Creature. Creates a Player object that inherits Creature and contains the details for the Player
 CWallCreates a Wall object that inherits Entity. Creates a Wall object that inherits Entity and contains the details for the Wall
 CMapCreates a Map object
 CNodeCreates a Node object Creates a Node object for use with path finding
 CStateCreates a State object. Creates a State object to be inherited. DISCLAIMER - This code is from my PGG SDL Assignment
 CGameCreates a Game object that inherits State Creates a Game object that inherits State and runs the Game
 CStateManagerCreates a StateManager object. Creates a StateManager object to be inherited. DISCLAIMER - This code is from my PGG SDL Assignment
 CTextCreates a Text Texture for use with a renderer Creates a Text Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer
 CTextureCreates a Texture for use with a renderer Creates a Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer. DISCLAIMER - This code is from my PGG SDL Assignment
 CVec2Creates a Vec2 structure with functions Creates a Vec2 structure with overloaded operators to create a new variable type for use as a 2D vector