Jamie Slowgrove - MGP Assignment 2 - JAM
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Macros
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CBackgroundCreates a Background object that inherits Entity
 CForceFieldCreates a ForceField object that inherits Entity
 CGameCreates an Game object that inherits State and runs the Game
 CGameOverCreates a GameOver object that inherits State and runs the GameOver state
 CJAM_ArrowPadCreates an ArrowPad object
 CJAM_AStarCreates an object for A* path finding
 CJAM_AudioCreates an Audio object to handle the SDL_Mixer
 CJAM_ButtonCreates a Button object that inherits Entity
 CJAM_EntityCreates an Entity object
 CJAM_FlockingCreates a Flocking object
 CJAM_NodeCreates a Node object for use with path finding
 CJAM_ParticleCreates a Particle object
 CJAM_ParticleEffectCreates a ParticleEffect object that handles Particle objects
 CJAM_StateCreates a State object. Creates a State object to be inherited
 CJAM_StateManagerCreates a StateManager object. Creates a StateManager object to be inherited
 CJAM_TextCreates a Text Texture for use with a renderer. Creates a Text Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer
 CJAM_TextureCreates a Texture for use with a renderer. Creates a Texture from an image file, this can then be used with a renderer
 CJAM_Vec2Creates an Vec2 structure with functions. Creates an Vec2 structure with overloaded operators to create a new variable type for use as a 2D vector
 CPauseStateCreates an pause object that inherits State and runs the pause state
 CPlayerCreates a Player object that inherits Entity